Pea Shoot Pasta

Put a healthy twist on a classic Italian dish!

We’re taking a simple and easy classic Italian dish and turning it into a healthy and complex flavored dinner. The natural juices of cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, and sundried tomatoes all lend their acidic flavors to this dish to be paired with the heavy and creaminess of the pasta. To brighten the dish and tie it all together, we add a refreshing pesto, sauteed pea shoots, and of course broccoli microgreens for garnish.

Surprise your guests with a dish so complex in flavor that they’ll be surprised it only took 7 ingredients!

Pea Microgreens: just like all of our microgreens, they’re organic and packed with nutrients including chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. But, the pea microgreens hold a very sweet flavor to them. Using these with this recipe helps round out the salty acidity of the sauce.

Broccoli Microgreens: These microgreens also have a nutty flavor. In this dish, the nuttiness aids the flavor of the basil and pine nut pesto. We like to add in broccoli micrgreens whenever possible due to their anti-cancer nutrients, sulforaphane, and in this dish the flavor profile is perfect.

Tomatoes: in this dish we have not just one type of tomato, but two! With the heirloom cherry tomatoes, and the sun-dried tomatoes, you’re getting a boat load of the antioxidant lycopene. This antioxidant has been linked to many benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Pea Shoot Pasta


Simple tomato and pesto sauce with sauteed pea shoots and linguini.

  • 1 large handful pea shoot microgreens
  • 1 small handful broccoli microgreens (*optional for garnish)
  • ¼ cup kalamata olives
  • ¼ cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 servings any pasta (*we used a simple gluten free linguini. Other options would be tagiatelle or spagetti)
  • 2 tbsp simple basil pesto (dairy free)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 small shallots
  1. Finely mince garlic and shallots. Roughly half kalamata olives and only cut half of your cherry tomatoes, leave the other half whole.

  2. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and follow instructions on the box for pasta.

  3. While the water is coming to a boil, drizzle a large saucepan with olive oil and bring to medium-high heat. Add in shallots and let them sweat for 2-3 minutes. Throw in cherry tomatoes and kalamata olives, let sautee for 5 minutes. Add in your sundried tomatoes and 2 tbsp of pesto.

  4. Place Pea Shoots on top of the sauce. Slowly pour ½ cup of pasta water on top of the pea shoots. Let sauce simmer at least 5 minutes and until desired thickness (add in more reserved pasta water if sauce is too thick).

  5. Place a nest of pasta on finishing plate. Place pea shoots alongside of pasta. Generously cover pasta with sauce. Serve immediately.

  6. Sprinkle broccoli microgreens on top for garnish and added nutrition.

Make this dish yourself and share with friends. Let us know what you think in the comments below! If you really enjoyed, be sure to pin this recipe on your Pinterest board to make again later!

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